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We pride ourselves as being a friendly club where our members and visitors can enjoy their golf and socialise in our club house enjoying good quality food and drink.
There are certain standards we expect to be observed:
On the course

  • Smart recognised golf attire must be worn with golfing shoes. Denim clothing, collarless shirts (unless recognised golf wear) sleeveless shirts (except for ladies), rugby / football shirts, training shoes, tracksuits, cargo trousers and cargo shorts are not an acceptable standard of dress on the golf course.

  • Head wear – golf caps must be worn correctly with the peak facing forward.

In the Club House

  • As on the course, golf shoes are allowed if they are soft spiked. Smart casual wear is allowed including denim wear. The following examples are not considered appropriate as smart casual, ripped clothing (designer or not), rugby / football shirts, tracksuits.

  • Head wear should not be worn in the clubhouse.

Dress Code

Please make yourself aware of these key points: -

  • Players holding up the match behind with a clear hole ahead must let the match behind play through.

  • Please repair all pitch marks, replace divots, and rake bunkers, leaving the rake in the bunker.

  • Always avoid slow play, you are reminded you only have 3 minutes to look for your ball.

  • We encourage Ready Golf please familiarise yourself with this.

  • Please extend courtesy to all players on the course.

  • Priority is given to golfers playing the correct hole.

  • You are reminded that green keepers always have priority on the course.

  • Mobile phones and all electronic devices should be turned to silent mode.

  • The Club encourages golfers to support the Halfway House, however play should continue in a timely manner and due etiquette must be shown to those golfers that do not wish to stop and use this facility.

  • Please keep the course tidy.

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